Hello there. 

I'm Danielle, a versatile strategist with professional experience spanning from marketing to design and entertainment.

My work takes brands out of their comfort zone and into the hearts of customers.  

  • I use a variety of research techniques to get to the heart of business objectives and consumer mindsets. This cross section of business and audience usually holds a key insight that unlocks a strategic direction. I create presentations with the aim of energizing internal and external teams so that work doesn't feel so much like work.

    1. I’ve been a partial owner in a small agency.

    2. I made clothing that Taylor Swift toured and performed in.

    3. I made a powerpoint in college that successfully convinced a student organization to give us funds for go-karts.

  • Excessively earnest and yet surprisingly funny.

Work Life

I use my interest in history, business strategy, and human behavioral science to fuel the insights I use to develop brand and marketing strategies.

My training as a designer and continued interest and passion for art and craftsmanship gives me a keen understanding of the creative process - allowing me to work as a supportive collaborator across teams.

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