Brand Positioning | Communication Strategy | Ad Budget

How do you evaluate ad effectiveness when you only advertise once a year? 

Littlerobe Angus Ranch


Littlerobe is a seed cattle ranch, a type of ranch that sells exclusively to other ranchers. It’s a niche industry within a niche industry with an incredibly short sell season - once a year. This once-a-year advertising blast makes evaluating the efficiency and success of different channels and messages challenging. 


As a demographic, cattle ranchers are much older than the general population and are often either partially retired or have a separate primary career. Littlerobe is unique in that it is a small ranch with an owner/operator who works the ranch full-time. The ranch is also unique in its close partnership with science-based associations and the use of cutting-edge cattle breeding technologies. This point of differentiation gives Littlerobe customers a competitive advantage in breeding better cattle stock. 


This combination of insights led to a messaging framework that prioritized generously sharing knowledge and advice to busy ranchers. Each piece of communication, from the website to a print ad, would consider the audience’s mindset, the channel of delivery, what information our audience would find most interesting or helpful, and what action they could take with that information. A print advertisement in a local circular might be more personable, inviting locals out for a fun day on the ranch, whereas a national industry magazine may feature practical information on cattle genetics as ranchers actively seek to inform themselves of industry best practices. Tactics like QR codes and dedicated contact points would help to track ad efficacy.

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